
DeerAnalysis 2019

Last DeerAnalysis version compatible with Matlab 2014b or any Matlab before 2020b.

DEER Analysis 2015

Adapted to the new graphics engine of Matlab 2014b. Older versions do not run on Matlab 2014b and newer. New features of DeerAnalysis 2014 that created problems in the absence of the statistics or optimization toolbox are now switched off if the toolboxes are absent. The statistics feature is also switched off as default, but can be activated by a checkbox.

DEER Analysis 2013.2

A program for extracting distance distributions from dead-time free pulsed electron electron double resonance (DEER, PELDOR) data with Matlab.

This version introduces constrained fitting and statistical analysis of model fits, courtesy of H. C. Hyde and E. Perozo. Please see external pageO. Dalmas, H. C. Hyde, R. E. Hulse, E. Perozo. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 16360-16369.

The implementation heavily depends on additional Matlab toolboxes (optimization and statistics toolbox). If you do not have these toolboxes, please use DeerAnalsysis2013 below.

DEER Analysis 2013

A program for extracting distance distributions from dead-time free pulsed electron electron double resonance (DEER, PELDOR) data with Matlab. It can be used for double-quantum EPR data if some caution is exercised with background correction. Features include approximate Pake transformation (APT), Tikhonov regularization (optionally with excitation bandwidth correction), model-based fitting, spin counting, concentration measurements, and background correction based on experimental data sets of singly-labelled samples. The program requires Matlab (version 7.6 or later) operating under Windows, Linux or Mac OS. The current version also works with 64-bit Matlab (tested under Matlab 2010). Version 2013 replaces Version 2011. It can now reload its own output files and has a feature for suppression of ghost contributions to distance distributions that can arise in multi-spin systems

DEER Analysis 2011

A program for extracting distance distributions from dead-time free pulsed electron electron double resonance (DEER, PELDOR) data with Matlab. It can be used for double-quantum EPR data if some caution is exercised with background correction. Features include approximate Pake transformation (APT), Tikhonov regularization (optionally with excitation bandwidth correction), model-based fitting, spin counting, concentration measurements, and background correction based on experimental data sets of singly-labelled samples. The program requires Matlab (version 7.6 or later) operating under Windows, Linux or Mac OS. The current version also works with 64-bit Matlab (tested under Matlab 2010). Version 2011 replaces Version 2010b. It includes fitting of Rice distributions and guidance to reliability of distance distributions in certain distance ranges by a color-coded plot background, an improvement of testing background uncertainty with the validation tool (variation of fit range) and a bug fix that prevents (erroneous) background correction of data sets that have points with very small or negative amplitude.
The patch from March 19 2012 allows for modulation depth scaling in dual display of data sets of different length and with different time increments, irrespective of the sequence of loading them. Furthermore, it allows for switching off automatic modulation depth scaling of displayed form factors in comparing simulated and experimental results, a feature required for user models that make quantitative predictions of modulation depth.

DEER Analysis 2006

The last version of the software that still works with Matlab 6.5 (Windows only)

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