Relaxation Times and Linewidths

Here the effects which bring the magnetization vector back to its equilibrium position are explained. In an S = 1/2 system the spins can be oriented parallel or anti-parallel to the external magnetic field and a perturbation (e.g. pulse) induces transitions between the two energy levels. The Mz magnetization in equilibrium is the result of a small surplus of spins parallel to their quantization axis. Changing the Mz magnetization involves reorientation of the microscopic magnetic moments. Transversal magnetization Mx and My on the other hand is given by an in-phase precession of the magnetic moments about the external field, induced e.g. by an MW pulse.

Upon relaxation the Boltzmann Mz magnetization is restored and the transversal magnetic components Mx and My vanish. These changes in magnetization are associated with the spin-lattice or longitudinal relaxation time T1 and the spin-spin relaxation time T2, respectively. The spin-lattice relaxation relates to the characteristic lifetime of the spin state and is determined by the dissipation of energy via the thermal vibration of the lattice. T1 is related through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to the linewidth of an individual spin packet. A small T1 leads to a smearing out of the energy levels and thus a broad resonance line. Large T1 values are usually found for systems with isolated electronic ground states, well separated from the lowest excited states. The spin-spin relaxation is concerned with the mutual spin flips caused by dipolar and exchange interactions between the assembly of spin in the sample. T2 is usually much shorter than T1 and thus the dominant contribution to the linewidth. The two contributions are often summarized by relating the resultant linewidth of a single spin packet to a relaxation time T'2 given by

$$\frac{1}{T^\prime_2} = \frac{1}{T_2}+\frac{1}{2T_I}\qquad (25) $$

T'2 is the relaxation time which is of importance in connection with the transverse magnetization generated and observed in pulse EPR experiments. T'2 is temperature dependent and determines the homogeneous linewidth of a single spin packet. For transition metal complexes, T'2 values in the range of several μs are common at liquid helium temperatures. Among the various effects influencing T'2 we only mention high spin concentrations or clustering of paramagnetic molecules which may lead to a considerable shortening of the relaxation time.

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